Sunday, March 30, 2014

3 Year Blogiversary + Tiny Hands Giveaway!

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So, today is officially my 3 year Blogiversary! Wow. I can hardly believe it's been 3 years already... I'd like to start off by saying Thank You! Thank you all so much! You all are the reason I do this every day... all of your likes, your comments and your support! I have loved getting to know some of you and even making some dear friends over the years. It's funny how food and recipes can really bring people together, but it really, really can.

Over the past 3 years I have watched Diddles & Dumplings become so much more than just a blog. It's become almost like it's own entity. With feelings... okay, so that's going a little far, but, it's definitely become something much more than I could have ever imagined! I've been presented with some amazing opportunities (especially this past year) like being named Spokesperson for the National Pork Board for their Cooking For Comfort campaign and getting to create recipes for their amazing Cookbook, I've developed recipes for countless companies and brands, I've been featured on many sites, most recently, and have had my recipes (as well as stories about my blog) published in newspapers and magazines. Whew. I'm tired just talking about it all... Oh, and one more thing... There is something I have yet to share with you...

I have recently taken on the role of Managing Editor of Raise Magazine, a local family-centered magazine full of recipes, crafts and useful information for families! That's kind of awesome, right? I will be creating delicious recipes for the magazine as well as making sure we are featuring the best and most exciting content for our readers! I am so excited for this opportunity and am so grateful to be a part of this outstanding magazine!

Overall, it's just been a fabulous couple of years and I really and truly thank you all, from the bottom of my heart, for being a part of Diddles & Dumplings. I couldn't have done any of this without your continued support and encouragement! So...because I love you all and because you are the best readers in the whole entire would, I want to take this time to share something adorable with you and give you a chance to WIN one for yourself:

Isn't that the cutest thing you've ever seen? I know it's the cutest thing I have ever seen, by far. Not only are these little necklaces super duper cute, but they are also scented! Meaning... when you put it on, you smell the amazingly delicious scent of maple syrup wherever you go. Now, of course, your nostrils will get used to it after a little while, but the next time you put the necklace on... BAM! There it is again ;) These little charms pack a potent punch of yumminess. 

Everything in the Tiny Hands shop is absolutely adorable. She has so many necklaces to choose from and even earrings, rings and bracelets, too! Check out some of the other adorable necklaces you can choose from:

My daughter is completely obsessed with the lollipop necklace and has begged me to get it for her! As soon as she saw (and smelled!) my waffle necklace she said "I HAVE to have a scented necklace!" And the truth is... everyone should have a scented necklace. If you don't have a scented necklace then you truly aren't living life to it's fullest! 

So, if you want to be cool and strut around wearing a deliciously adorable little Waffle Necklace, then you should probably enter this giveaway and try to win one! TinyHands was nice enough to offer one for me to give away to Diddles & Dumplings readers, so that one of you can be super cool! ;) Use the Rafflecopter form below to enter!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Make sure to follow Tiny Hands to see what adorable new creations, sales and discounts they have going on:

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