Friday, April 4, 2014

#SpreadTheFlavor: Why Kids Need Breakfast + Breakfast Fruit Pizzas {with Philadelphia cream cheese}

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They always say "Breakfast is the most important meal of the day." Who they are, I will never know. But they say it and we all listen and believe them wholeheartedly. 

Ever since my daughter was a teeny tiny little girl, she has always gotten out of bed in the morning with a big smile on her face and very sweetly asked for breakfast immediately. Most the time when I bring her breakfast she is still half-asleep, and she sleepily eats it with her eyes half-shut. That kid. I was the opposite when I was young, the thought of breakfast alone would make my stomach hurt. My dad would try to make me eat some scrambled eggs or bacon before heading out the door, but most of the time I would turn it down. Now, test days... that was another story! On test days they wouldn't accept "I'm not hungry," or "my stomach hurts." No, no... on test days I had to eat something, even if it killed me...

Studies have shown that children that eat breakfast in the morning perform better at school and especially during tests. Breakfast refuels their bodies and gives them the energy they need to get through the day. It also kickstarts their metabolism and helps them burn calories throughout the day.

Simply consuming breakfast cereals packed full of sugar is not the best option for kids (or anyone!) I, myself, am guilty of eating those delicious, colorful & sugar-filled bowls of cereal and so is my daughter, but we try to avoid them as much as possible and choose more nutritious options instead. Eating foods filled with fiber and whole grains will help your kids to stay more focused and remember important facts and information while they're learning and taking tests! So, it's easy to see why breakfast really is the most important meal of the day... right? That's why it's important to make sure you're making breakfast "happen" every morning!


I always like to be prepared and make sure I have exactly what I need for breakfast, which is why I like to head to my local Walmart and pick up all the breakfast items i'm going to need for the week! This week I grabbed a bunch of strawberries, kiwis, bananas, pineapple, english muffins, Philadelphia cream cheese (strawberry & blueberry!) and some eggs and wheat bread!

Today i'm going to share with you one tasty, nutritious and energy-packed breakfast option for kids that will get their bodies energized and help them run and play until they can run and play no more... Breakfast Fruit Pizzas made with Philadelphia Cream Cheese! Can you say yum? No, really... say it! Yum. 

Philly soft cream cheese + english muffins + colorful fruit = the perfect breakfast! 

This bright and fun little breakfast treat will get kids, even the ones who normally don't like breakfast, excited about it! If you have time in the morning let your kids assemble their own fruit pizzas! I wake my daughter up a little earlier just so she can come in the kitchen and help me prepare her breakfast! Have a butter knife in the cream cheese container, have the english muffins already toasted and the fruit already cut into pieces and let them go crazy! Kids love helping out in the kitchen -- especially when they get to eat whatever it is they've made!

Spreading on her cream cheese like a champ! Holding the knife a little awkwardly... but still! :) She did one half of the english muffin in Strawberry cream cheese and the other half in Blueberry cream cheese!

Picking out the perfect fruit pieces for her creation! 

This simple breakfast idea isn't really a "recipe," so I'm not going to include the instructions below... It just requires english muffins, Philly Cream Cheese and a bunch of different fruit (cut into pieces)! Have fun with it, be creative and let your kids be creative! I've also included {below} some tips to make breakfast time stress-free along with some printable notes you can put in your kids' lunches to make them smile! :)

Here are a couple of tips to make breakfast time stress-free:

Printable Lunchbox Notes (click to enlarge & then print):


  1. I love this idea! So easy yet so yummy! Getting a good breakfast seems to be hard at our house in the rush to catch the bus!

  2. Great idea! My son would love these and he's hard to please for breakfast!


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