Monday, November 24, 2014

Bake Like an Elf this Holiday Season {Plus a recipe for Happy Elf Punch!}

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This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #NorthpoleFun #CollectiveBias

Let me just start off by saying "WOOOOOOOOOO!" I am so thrilled. Do you know why? Do you? The end of November is coming, which means.... CHRISTMAS is almost here! I can hardly contain my excitement! Notice all the "!" this post? That's due to my extreme excitement. My hubby says i'm still a child at heart, and I guess, as you can see from this post, it's completely true.

This holiday season has already been an amazing one! This year Walmart has a TON of awesome new Hallmark products that are perfect for making the Christmas season just a little more special. As we were shopping we spotted the Once Upon a Northpole Christmas book that also came with a Find me, Santa Snowflake (which we had to have!) and the "Bake Like an Elf" baking set that I just knew my daughter would absolutely love! Since she has a great love for all things baking and kitchen related and since I could see her little eyes light up when she saw it, I knew we were going to have to do something special with it!

Soooo... My idea was that we were going to have a "Bake Like an Elf" Baking day to get us in the Christmas spirit!

We'll show you how you can Bake Like an Elf at home, too!

Elf Baking Hat:

The first thing we did was create our Elf Baking hats! Elves love baking, and they love hats... so, really, an Elf Baking Hat is a must!

In order to make your elf baking hat you will need:

  • 1 sheet white cardstock
  • 1 sheet "elf skin" colored paper
  • Christmas tissue paper
  • Stapler
  • Scissors
  • Glue
Step 1: Cut cardstock in half, lengthwise, and trim as needed. Staple pieces together to create your ring "base" (See Step 2 for a picture of the staples) The staples will also create a pocket that you will use when attacking your elf ears!

Step 2: Apply glue to the top 1/2" area all around the inside of the ring. Place tissue paper (pattern facing out!) all along the inside of the ring. You will have to fold the tissue paper over and continue to attach it to create the top of the hat.

Step 3: Fluff your hat and give it proper baking hat shape!

Step 4: Fold "elf skin" paper in half and on one side, draw an elf ear. Cut it out carefully and you should end up with 2 perfectly perfect elf ears! Remember, an elf has pointy ears at the top and rounded ears at the bottom! Use a brown crayon to create the inside lines of the elf ear.

Step 5: Place the elf ear inside of one of the "Pockets" you created with the staples and fold the bottom in to create a little "tab" that you can glue. Now, apply glue to the folded part of the ear and place it back into the pocket.

Step 6: Allow glue to dry and you'll be ready to get baking!

Okay, so, now that you have your baking hat, it's time to grab your supplies! The "Bake Like An Elf" baking kit includes an elf shoe which is really the equivalent to a 1/2 cup measuring cup, an elf mitten which is like a 1/4 of a cup and a little jingle bell spoon that is equal to a teaspoon!

In the same aisle at Walmart they also had a Sprinkle bell which controls the amount of sprinkles that come out at one time (my daughter has a habit of over-sprinkling!) and a Cookie Wonder Wheel that cuts out cute little mittens, shoes and hats! So cute!

The kit even comes with little recipe cards complete with recipe using the elf baking tools! Could it get any cuter? We used the recipe for Grandma Gilly's Winter Magic Sugar Cookies...

I pretty much just stepped back and let my daughter take over this time. She measured everything perfectly and even took the time to scrape off the excess flour from the top of her elf shoe. Such a pro!

After we chilled the dough she used the cookie wheel to cut out the little elf cookies.

The little elf shoe was my favorite! It's upside down in this picture, but you get the idea ;)

The sprinkle bell was pretty awesome, in my opinion! We filled it up with the little round Christmas sprinkles and all you needed to do was flip it over...

And sprinkle! The perfect amount of sprinkles came out for each cookie! No more enormous sprinkle mess! Hooray!

Oh, and before you get to baking you might want to use this little chart I made to figure out what your child's elf name would be! That way you can call them by their proper name as they work in the kitchen!

And, of course, every elf gets extremely tired after a long day of baking and they might even become a little cranky. I will include below a recipe for 'Happy Elf Punch' that will get them right back to their joyful selves!

I hope you have enjoyed learning how you and your family can "Bake Like an Elf" this holiday season and I hope that you, too, can create memories that will last forever!

1 comment :

  1. These products are all SO cute and I'm absolutely in love with the Elf Baking Hat--it looks like it was a completely magical day!! #client


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