Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Diamond Candles Review & Giveaway

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If there's one thing I know about women, it's that women love things that smell. Well, I should say smell good. Although sometimes women love things that don't smell good... like husbands and children... Anyways, my point is that women love when things (especially their homes) smell good, am I right? One of my favorite things about being a food blogger is that my house always smells good when I'm cooking or baking -- especially baking!

There's also another thing I know about women... Women love jewelry. It's a fact. Or at least it should be...

Did you know that there are candles out there that come with rings inside of them? Like, inside the candle. As in, you have to burn the candle to get the ring out. Sounds pretty cool, right? Know what else is cool? The rings inside can be worth anywhere from $10-$5000! So, basically... you're getting 2 presents in 1, and that is awesome!  

As you all know Fall is coming. It's going to be here soon *yay!* and one of my favorite things about the fall and winter seasons are the smells that come around that time of year! Cinnamon & spice, pumpkin, and gingerbread! Yum. I love gingerbread! Which is why, when I was given the chance to try out Diamond Candles, I chose the Gingerbread Latte scented candle!

The ring is right inside a little foil wrapped pouch. It's safe and sound and you can get to it by burning your candle! 

Diamond Candles are 100% Natural soy candles and they smell absolutely amazing. Mine had been burning for 15 minutes when my hubby came home and he told me that the whole house smelled like gingerbread! They are extremely potent and the smell wasn't artificial or fake! I'm think i'm kind of addicted now.

So, after I let my candle burn for about 20 minutes or so... I got a little impatient. I know, I know, patience is a virtue, right? Well, I have no patience... which is why I went and grabbed a knife and ever-so-carefully scraped along the side of the candle to dislodge the ring and pull it out. I had to! The suspense was killing me!

Eek! How fun is that? I completely love the ring that was inside! It's not a $5000 ring, but I still love it! It's light pink and cute! It was an extremely exciting moment opening up that little foil pouch... Plus, I have a super-amazing candle that makes my whole house smell like a delicious bakery! 

Isn't she cute? 

Now that you've seen how amazingly fun these candles are, wouldn't you love to win one for yourself? I know you would! Enter below to win a candle of YOUR CHOICE from Diamond Candles!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

**I was given a free candle from Diamond Candles for Review. All thoughts and opinions are 100% my own. Giveaway is sponsored by Diamond Candles**

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