Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Halloween Snacks: Candy Corn Cups

Pin It! This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #SpookySnacks #CollectiveBias

It doesn't feel like Halloween should be here already, does it? It seems like only yesterday we were bringing in the new year with friends and celebrating the beginning of what we were hoping would be an amazing year for everyone. Now, it's the end of October, I've stuck to absolutely 0 of my new year's resolutions, I've eaten more dessert in this past year than you could even imagine, and now I'm spending my days making tremendous amounts of Halloween Snacks. So weird!

The good news is that even though this year seems to have slipped away from me completely, my absolute favorite time of this year is here... and that's awesome! In our house, when the weather starts getting cooler (late October for us in Central California) our hearts start getting happier! My daughter is so unbelievably excited for Halloween this year and she has been talking about it non-stop for weeks. This year she has picked out the perfect, shiny, pink Bat Girl costume, complete with cape, mask and even boots. She took a very long time picking out the perfect costume, but once she had made her decision, it was as if everything in the world was right. All was well. My (almost) 18-month-old is a Ninja turtle (Leonardo, to be exact), but only because we couldn't find a Michaelangelo costume in his size, much to his father's dismay.

This week is going to be spent prepping for the big night of Trick-or-Treating for my daughter and our close family friends. Every year we head out and hit up our surrounding neighborhoods in search of the best and biggest candy bars. We always make sure to wear good walking shoes, bring plenty of snacks for the babies and enough waters to keep us well-hydrated. These are all things you learn over the years when you're a parent. 

After the kids (or the parents) are completely exhausted and can't possibly take another step, we head back to the house and enjoy a nice, hot, bowl of my homemade chili and sort through the night's loot. Now, the fun really begins after the kids have all gone to sleep, though, right? If you're a parent you completely understand... This is the time when you can rummage through your child's treat bag and remove all of the chocolate your little heart desires and there is no one there to stop you. It's magical.

In order to better prepare for this night, though, we have to have the proper Halloween snacks the whole week leading up, you know, to get us in the mood, and also to get us accustomed to consuming tremendous amounts of sugar in one night. 

While we were grocery shopping at our local Walmart the other day, we picked up all the supplies we needed to make the adorable little Candy Corn Cups you see pictured above, plus we grabbed some of our other Halloween necessities (Dasani waters for Trick-or-Treating and candy for the kids who come knocking on our door!) For the candy corn cups, all you need is: orange flavored gelatin mix, lemon flavored gelatin mix, Fanta (Orange) soda, cream cheese and whipped topping! 

The first step in creating your candy corn cups is to make your creamy lemon mixture! Prepare your lemon gelatin as stated on the package and place it in your blender along with your cream cheese and 4 ounces of whipped cream...

And blend! Then pour your mixture into the bottom of your clear plastic cups and place in the fridge to chill!

Once your lemon mixture is no longer liquified, prepare your orange mixture by adding your boiling water to your orange gelatin and whisking in your (orange) Fanta soda!

Carefully pour the orange mixture over the lemon mixture (about 1" high) and place back in the fridge to chill. 

Once you've removed your cups from the fridge, dollop with whipped topping and serve. Not a lot of ingredients go into these adorable little Candy Corn Cups and they are incredibly easy to make! Your kids will definitely get into the Halloween spirit while consuming one of these adorable little treats!

Oh, and don't forget to pack up your trick-or-treating bag with plenty of waters for you and your kids to stay hydrated as they sprint from house to house! The 12 ounce bottles of Dasani are the perfect size for kids... and as you can see in the picture, my 18-month-old couldn't keep his hands off them!

Follow Fanta on Facebook and Twitter. Follow Dasani on Facebook and Twitter.

Candy Corn Cups:
{Print Recipe}

  • 1 (6 ounce) package Lemon flavored gelatin mix
  • 4-5 drops yellow food coloring
  • 1 (3 ounce) package Orange flavored gelatin mix
  • 1 (8 ounce) package cream cheese
  • 8 ounces whipped topping, divided
  • 1 cup Orange Fanta soda


Prepare lemon Jell-O as directed on package, place in fridge and allow to cool for about 5 minutes. Remove from fridge, place in blender along with yellow food coloring, cream cheese and 4 ounces of whipped topping and blend until well combined. Pour lemon mixture into the bottom of 8 small, clear, plastic cups (a little less than halfway up the side). Place cups in refrigerator and allow to chill for about 2-3 hours, or until mixture is mostly firm. 

In a medium mixing bowl, combine 1 cup boiling water and orange jell-o mix. Stir until dissolved, then whisk in 1 cup Orange Fanta soda (this will make it nice and fizzy!) Pour Fanta mixture in the plastic cups, over the lemon mixture (about 1" high), place in refrigerator and allow to set, about 2 hours, or until ready to serve!

Once you are ready to serve, place a dollop of whipped topping on top of each cup, and make sure you get a nice little point on the top (so it looks more like a candy corn, of course!)

Serve to children (or adults) to get them in the Halloween spirit!

Makes 8 cups.

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