Friday, October 3, 2014

#SnackPackMixins: Melted Monster Snack Pack Pudding Cups

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This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #SnackPackMixIns #CollectiveBias

As the season changes from summer to fall, the nights get cooler, the food gets heartier and the treats get scarier. Halloween is my daughter's second favorite holiday (behind Christmas, of course) and she love, love, LOVES decorating and making easy to make desserts around this time. That's why we decided to make these adorably spooky Halloween Snack Pack pudding cups. Not only are they cute, they're super easy to make and perfect for little ones wanting to help out in the kitchen! They would be the best Halloween party food and the perfect classroom treat! They're just all-around awesome!

Whenever we're shopping for groceries at Walmart, we usually end up grabbing a couple of packages of Snack Packs for my daughter to have after school. Snack Packs are one of those foods that I remember fondly from my childhood, and I get super nostalgic when I see them up in the pantry. Ahhh, memories.

When it's time to start assembling your cute little monsters, it's really easy to end up with dye all over the place. So, the goal is to keep it as contained as possible! ;) I highly recommend using paper plates and ziplock bags for all the following steps as it will keep your kitchen looking like a rainbow exploded everywhere. 

Plus, since you're using Snack Pack Puddings for this recipe it comes in it's own little container already! So, you can just mix your colors right in the little tub without having to dirty up a bunch of your bowls! Yay!

See? So awesome! 

When you're dying your monster hair, errr coconut, it's best to put it in a ziplock bag, add your dye and massage it until it's evenly coated. This is a great job for little ones!

We ended up doing hot pink and yellow hair. The hot pink was so vibrant and fun!

I melted black chocolate and piped it onto white melting disks to create the eyes and melted colored chocolate in ziplock bags and piped them onto the paper plates to create the arms.

Monster hair! Or fur... furry hair! Let's just call it "monster fuzz."

They're allliiiiiive! And so cute! These little guys just look like they want to be picked up and cuddled, don't they? Too bad they're all melty and gooey...

I'm absolutely in love with these little guys and strongly considering whipping up a bunch of them to take to my daughter's class on Halloween. You can't get any cuter than this, or any simpler! And as an added bonus, clean up was super easy and painless. Happy treating!

Make sure to RSVP for the #SnackPackMixIns Twitter party happening on October 8th from 12-1pm ET! There's going to be prizes and lots of deliciously spooky ideas!


Melted Monster Pudding Cups:

  • 4 Snack Pack Vanilla Puddings
  • 1/2 cup shredded (sweetened) coconut
  • 8 white chocolate melting disks (or very large white chocolate chips)
  • Misc. colored melting disks (for the arms)
  • Purple, yellow, green and pink food dye (or any colors you'd like to use!)


Place 4-5 drops of desired food coloring into each pudding cup and mix well. 

Separate coconut and place into ziplock bags along with a couple of drops of food dye. Massage and make sure coconut is evenly coated.

In a microwave-safe bowl (or in microwave safe bags) heat black melting disks and pipe onto white melting disks to create eyes.

Heat remaining (colored) melting disks in additional microwave-save bowls (or bags) and pipe arm shapes onto paper plates (or parchment or wax paper). Place in freezer for a couple of minutes and allow to harden. Take them out of the freezer and carefully remove them from the plate.

Now, it's time to put your monsters together! Place your shredded coconut "hair" on top of the pudding and place arms and eyes as desired. Have fun with it!

Serve pudding cups to eager children and adults. Enjoy!

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